Amethyst advice on Covid-19

Keeping everyone safe

Amethyst wants to ensure that all employees are provided with the option of having their COVID-19 vaccination upon starting their role with the business.  

As such, relevant measures will be taken so all employees can book their tests following commencement of employment with Amethyst.

Everyone within the Senior Management Team have also been vaccinated and pledge to continue promoting a safe environment and wellbeing of all those entrusted into our services.

Face Covering

Wearing a face covering helps to keep everyone safe and is now required at all our services. These will be provided by Amethyst to ensure appropriate measures are taken in line with the Government’s guidelines and that everyone is kept safe at all times.

Whereby any individual is exempt from wearing a face mask, Amethyst will ensure the correct identification is worn and other measures are put into place to protect everyone (please see below).

When you wear a face mask you are protecting other people and other people who wear face masks are protecting you. Working in care means extra vigilance is required by us to ensure we minimise any risk of contact with Covid-19 and transferring into our services; the duty we have to those entrusted in our care, does not stop at the boundary of the working environment.

Keep washing your hands regularly and keep your distance

The most simple and effective things we can all do to prevent ourselves and others from becoming ill are to wash our hands regularly, and to stay at least two metres, or six feet away from people we  don’t live with.

Antibacterial hand gels and PPE will be provided in all our services.

Do I need to get tested?

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are very mild, you should get tested as soon as possible.

You can also get tested if you have cause for concern that you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Call 119 or visit to book an appointment or order a home test.

Amethyst will ensure all employees are tested regularly in line with the Government’s guidelines.